에드워드 도서관(Edward Library)

Markets Never Forget (But People Do)(Ken Fisher) 본문

Edward's Book Review (English Version)

Markets Never Forget (But People Do)(Ken Fisher)

Edward.L 2023. 11. 9. 08:21

This book is one that I would definitely recommend to people who have similar thoughts as me and have a lot of good words.

After all, good books contain a lot of great minds and smart people's thoughts, so they can be an opportunity to think broadly, and they can also be a guidepost that can lead me in a good direction.

I would like to explain a few important points that I personally think are important.

1. Humans are animals that always have to solve problems.

When we face challenges (economic downturns, regulations, disease, bad laws), we end up finding innovative solutions.

But those who think this time is different give up on solving the problem and wait for a miserable future.

Mobile eBook: 80p

There are many people who are pessimistic about everything. This is especially true on the Internet.

Pessimistic people may worry that the economy will collapse, real estate will crash, and there will be a bank run, but I think eventually people will find a solution.

If you recognize, avoid, and prepare for risky areas and diversify your investments, you can significantly reduce your personal economic losses.

Historically, there were many bigger problems than today (plague, Spanish flu, world wars, etc.), but people eventually solved all of them and are living in today's prosperous society.

When a child is born, he or she will receive many vaccinations due to diseases that we know about.

For this reason, we have resolved the issues that have arisen.

The world continues to change and develop, and things and systems that are beneficial to people are being created.

If you look at the world pessimistically, you are stuck in this expansion or change.

Nowadays, you can live if you catch cancer early, the average life expectancy has increased significantly around the world, and we are well prepared for natural disasters, and compared to the past (war, famine, disease, etc.), there are not many of them. As before, there were life-threatening situations.

Thanks to the sacrifices of many people, we have developed and survived, and are still doing well today.

Despite this situation, if we fail to look at history properly and live pessimistically about the present, I think that the sacrifices we have made so far have been in vain.

I want to help at least one person think positively rather than pessimistically and try to solve problems.

Because I believe that only then will the world we live in become better.

And we will be better off thanks to people who solve problems.

People who solved those problems (Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Edison, etc.) made enormous fortunes, and you can too.

I think we need to develop the habit of not giving up when we face difficulties and always thinking about how we can get better.

2. Don’t have blind faith in any field.

It doesn't matter whether you're investing in silver, pork shoulder, real estate, energy stocks, technology stocks, or rebuilding consumption of essentials or luxury goods.

The future is always the future and there is always risk.

Mobile e-book: 387p

These days, AI and electric vehicles are in the spotlight thanks to Chat GPT, and related industries (energy, SW, etc.) are booming.

But nothing always stays the same.

The economy continues to change and develop as trends change and expansion and contraction occur repeatedly.

Was there such a thing as a smartphone 30 years ago?

None of us had cell phones, so we had to memorize our home phone numbers.

The world is changing rapidly, smartphones won't be here forever, and neither will electric cars.​

I don't think the current Chat GPT is real AI or simply an evolved version of a search engine.

I think it will take longer for real AI to emerge because it collects information from the internet and uses algorithms.

Everything is just a temporary fad and boom, there is no blind hit.​

3. Politics and stocks are related, but not related.

Politicians just want to be re-elected or elected to a higher position.

Mobile eBook: 415p

It seems like people often fight just because they have different political leanings.

A few years ago, I had many discussions with my friends because we disagreed with each other.

Looking at the book, this part seems to be the same in all countries except the Communist Party.

However, whether left or right, in the end they only pursue their own interests and enact and amend laws.

The economy may be shaken in the aftermath, but I think it will eventually come to its senses.

Therefore, it may be a problem if a political party gains momentum or becomes president, but I don't think it will be a big problem as long as it doesn't go all the way to communism.

This is because communism is a one-party system, suppresses individual freedom, does not believe in facts, and is not fair and cannot be operated properly because it idolizes and worships certain ethnic groups.

So I think that an appropriate left/right mix makes the country more beneficial, and I don't think we should trust politicians too much.

Is there a reason why we need to fight just because we have different political tendencies?

You may support a certain political party for your own benefit, but those politicians are not on your side.

I don’t think there’s a need to be so biased that you insist that a particular political party’s opinion is unconditionally correct.

●korean review



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