목록Edward's Book Review (English Version) (19)
에드워드 도서관(Edward Library)
I think it is a very good book, and it was a book that helped me learn various stock terms and how to make long-term investments.It is worth reading if you have some experience with investing.It seems like a must-have book for anyone who is tired of short-term investing or needs to start investing.Investing in stocks for the long term is something that many successful investors such as Warren..
1. Let’s not blame the environment (men). Each person's life is something they create or ruin, and their fate is not determined by their neighbors or any external environment. mobile e-book: 25p Your current situation is all a product of your past. It is not my environment that made me this way, or others that made me this way. This happened because I thought so. Even while he was in exile, even..
It was nice to be able to see the economic history of the past (the rise and fall of key currency countries, etc.) and learn a lot. From the middle of the story, I was disappointed because most of the content was positive about China compared to the United States. Still, I would like to summarize what I thought was important after reading the book. 1. Expenditures are more important than incom..
1. Getting rich is not a zero-sum game. To eliminate poverty and poverty, Rather than increasing the number of rich people thinking about poverty, We need to increase the number of people who have the conviction to become rich. mobile e-book: 97p Even if we go back about 200 years, there were many cases of people starving to death, freezing to death, dying from heat, and dying from disease. Howe..
1. Don’t fall into the trap of confirmation bias. Once we have already made up our mind, we set out to find evidence to convince ourselves that that idea is a rational conclusion.mobile e-book: 95p 'Confirmation bias refers to the tendency to selectively take only information that is helpful to one's opinion or argument (regardless of whether it is true or not) and to intentionally ignore inform..
The various creatures (animals, plants) living today were classified according to human standards (appearance, characteristics, etc.) and were thought to have originated from a single origin. Darwin also refuted his theory and developed it further.Therefore, you can see the reproduction and decline of species due to natural selection, and the content is somewhat difficult, so I think it is a go..